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  سيتم تلبية كافة الطلبات وذلك بتوفير المواد المطلوبة عبر بروتوكول نقل الملفات FTP مع الروابط الخاصة بتحميلها.

Paghera magnify one of the most prestigious symbols of a city, decorating it with beautiful ready effect plants, shrubs and flowers, that frame ..
Imagine the largest fountain in the world, imagine it vibrating of water and fire features, up to 20 meters high, imagine lighting and sound effects that enliven the large square in all its corners. 40,000 ..
This year, Paghera is honored to be the official sponsor of the circuit "Arte&Golf Trofeo d'Italia 2015" that, after 26 enthusiastic tournaments held in Italy, has arrived at the grand final: the ..
È con grande onore che Paghera ha ospitato, in data 16 luglio 2015, la presentazione del nuovo eccezionale modello FERRARI, mostrato al pubblico per la prima volta in occasione dello scorso Salone ..
We wish you all happy summer holidays wether you'll be in one of our gardens, in a Paghera summer village... or simply in your small paradise.  Paghera Team
In the context of the conference and banquet "From food in art to art of food", created in close connection with the EXPO 2015 and aimed to front the peculiarities of the eternal connection between the ..
Monferrato - In the wake of an exciting and well done project, the 8th century manor house returns to live. Thanks to Paghera's creativity, today, it enhances itself with a new graceful architectural ..
The birthday party turns red thanks to an amazing sunset. From the fountains promenade to the party pavilion, the guests are surrounded by an unique intimate and cozy ambiance, where floral decorations, ..
إن حصول فندق على جوائز العطلات Awards Villeggiatureيُعد بمثابة اعتراف بمكانة يمكن مقارنتها بالفوز بجائزة الأوسكار. وكان ..
Rixos Premium Hotel is located in Antalya Turkey bathed by turquoise blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. # Belek Rixos Premium Hotel # Tekairova Rixos Premium Hotel

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