“Landscaping was born with architecture”, declares Gianfranco Paghera.  

And it is a declaration that embraces swimming pools too, key features in the superb parks and gardens he designs for both public and private clients. Swimming pools have to be designed to adapt to their surroundings, whether you’re talking about a private residence, a stately home or a tourist resort. Horses for courses – the type of pool, its shape and surroundings and the materials used – are all issues determined by the terrain and setting. Location is a big factor, for example in large tourist resorts in the tropics pools are often designed almost as if they were natural features, blending in perfectly with their surroundings, so that it becomes hard to tell where man has taken a hand in shaping nature. Paghera uses reconstituted stone and resinous sand to recreate the surrounding landscape. The water is purified with oxygen and carbon filters, so there are no chemicals involved and no pollutants to worry about recycling. Historical houses require the right solution too, perhaps by adding a grotto, or statues of nymphs and semi-circular shapes. And for modern houses? That’s up to the architect’s creative instinct.

Carved into the rock: Style details on the rocks

The most spectacular feature of this landscaping project in Andora, on the western coast of Liguria, is the magnificent swimming pool in reconstituted stone, which blends effortlessly in with the surrounding luxuriant Mediterranean macchia. The whole thing is brand new, but it looks as if it has been there for ever. And this is what Paghera is all about: magically creating ready-to-use private paradises surrounded by mature plants and greenery. The pool is divided into two separate areas, a wellness space with a whirlpool and another pool for swimming.
The whirlpool section has special inbuilt technology to handle the necessary filtering and cleaning.
The surrounding area has been partly paved with inert concrete and fine-grain aggregate to simulate a sandy beach, blending into larger grains and stones to harmonise with the rest of the garden.
The swimming pool and whirlpool are lined with inert white cement designed to look like natural sand, achieving a truly spectacular effect together with the surrounding reconstituted stone rocks. At night the pool is illuminated by embedded led lights among the rocks.


ideal for washed stone effect paving and paths, it is a mixture of cement and aggregate with special additives that retard setting, allowing time for the surface to be “washed” so that the excess cement is removed, leaving the aggregates exposed. You can use aggregates of all sizes and shapes depending on what the surface is going to be used for.

an ecological alternative to natural stone. It is made from compounds of natural raw materials and binders. It’s lighter than natural stone and is pressed into shape using rubber moulds to recreate the effect of natural rock as required.

Laura Verdi

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