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Two resorts on the splendid Mediterranean coast.
Our first survey revealed a natural setting of unsurpassed beauty, a perfect complement to the historical and cultural beauties of the city of Belek. The already ideal position on a broad beach is further improved by the important archaeological sites like Side and Aspendos nearby, and the fact that the holiday season runs from May to October.
There is a range of accommodation to suit all tastes, including luxury VIP villas for the most demanding, complete with private gardens, infinity pools, open-air lounges and dining rooms. But all the rooms meet very high standards of style and comfort, blending in perfectly with their surroundings.
The hotel is set in lavishly spacious grounds which enhance the natural beauty of the site, a Rixos brand hallmark. One of the hotel’s key features are its swimming pools; modern, palm-fringed oases with scattered sun beds and day beds, plus a huge whirlpool, Turkish baths and Hammam to ensure you really get to relax.
Apart from enjoying golf and water sports, there are also plenty of opportunities to take day trips and discover the extraordinarily rich cultural and historical heritage of southern Turkey.
The resort naturally has a number of bars, cafés, wellness centres and sports centres, but the main pool is the focal point for the whole hotel. In a unique atmosphere like something out of the Arabian nights, the stars in the cobalt blue sky appear to reflect in its huge mirrored surface.

Rixos Luxury Hotels & Resorts Belek

The Rixos Premium Belek programme offers a personalised service in its private villas and pools set in their own oasis, complete with slides and water spouts. Flowing, sinuous lines and water that laps the walls of the villas, set in luxuriantly colourful vegetation.
The lily lake deserves a special mention, a feature dear to architect Gianfranco Paghera, who has one at his magnificent Lonato headquarters in Brescia.

Il villaggio Rixos di Belek, dopo il restauro effettuato quest’anno, ha riscoperto un’esplosione di colori e profumi.
I vialetti e i percorsi per raggiungere i posti di ristoro, le piscine, le abitazioni e il mare, ti avvolgono e offrono a chi passa il piacere di una vista indimenticabile tipica dell’eleganza  e raffinatezza Paghera.

The resort has been completely updated and redecorated with a stylish, designer feel that combines looks and comfort. The Rixos Premium Belek has a range of accomodation to suit all tastes, with a total of 1700 beds in 665 rooms, 35 suites and 40 lake houses.

Rixos Luxury Hotels & Resorts Tekirova

The Mediterranean flowers and plants in the gardens and along the paths transform the resort into a kaleidoscope of colour and scent, providing the perfect setting for a hospitality experience second to none.
Wooden walkways in harmony with nature crisscross a series of artificial lakes in a charmingly romantic, relaxed atmosphere. The colours and scents of the resort blend seamlessly into the surrounding citrus orchards and mingle with the wonderful native vegetation.

A backdrop of turquoise sea and Mediterranean beach provide the perfect foil to Paghera’s outdoor and garden design, transforming the beach into an elegant, exclusive retreat.

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