The marble art goes way back in Carrara and the whole marble workshop universe is hugely fascinating. The men with “gifted hands”, as they call the skilled workers who “live” in the workshops, are local stars and, if you are wondering how a small strip of land between the Apuan Alps and the sea came to boast such a high concentration of superb craftsmen, you should know that, as well as choosing the prized White Carrara marble for his works, Michelangelo employed local workers who, inspired by the “Florentine genius” learned from him and handed down their expertise. Sculptors, stonecutters and ornamentalists all know how to handle this material and bring it to life. Indeed, it is the “old families” that have maintained and protected Carrara’s Uniqueness. A uniqueness to which the architect Paghera has often turned to complete his architectural and sculptural projects.  Expertise, vision and design are brought together to forge “beauty”.
The colour of marble is dictated by the presence of impurities, and silt, clay, sand, iron oxides and flint nodules produce an incredibly varied palette. Every hue or design seems to produce a different “personality” and different artistic subjects seek out the marble “body” that will best express them. Carrara’s white statuary marbles are precious and much in demand among artists for the absence of such impurities. They can produce glistening complexions and skin veining in intimate detail. Such is the beauty and seduction infused in this inert material by sculptors that onlookers are moved with pleasure and emotion.

Paghera adorns gardens, swimming pools, salons and terraces with the world’s most precious raw material, assisted by exclusive workshops. They all bear the Marmo Artistico di Carrara consortium seal, certifying the work’s originality.

Workshops that resemble film sets are the focus of artists and performers worldwide and of all nationalities, who see there the very roots of the sculpting art. The Paghera Group personally supervises the selection of materials and workers in Carrara, in the continuation of an age-old tradition.

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