History - Company profile
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Landscapers, architects, leaders of complex restoration and territorial transformation. A history started in 1865, more than 150 years ago, that has always grown strictly in contact with nature. A history imprinted in the genetic code: "pagher", in ancient Brescia dialect means "fir" and in a wider sense - "forest". Five generations of nurserymen that, one after the other, have thoroughly studied the nature capturing its every secret.

Since his childhood Gianfranco Paghera has the dream of creating gardens, scenarios and beautiful landscapes translating them into miniatures of flowers and sand. As a very young man, he starts turning his dream into reality, following a training route that, from the Agricultural School of Minoprio brings him to California to follow a master's course at Los Angeles University, obtaining the "Bachelor Of Arts in Landscape Architecture" and the "Master Of Science in General Engineering". Then to Brazil, where he attends a specialization course with the great Brazilian architect and landscape designer Bourle Marx. Finally, he goes to Lausanne where he completes a Master's Degree in architecture.

And with Gianfranco...
Michele, Gianfranco's firstborn, begins his formative course at the famous Cambridge Arts Tutors School. Then he moves to USA, at the Washington International University where he obtains the Degree in Landscape Architecture. Joining immediately and actively the family business, Michele becomes the head of the Foreign Market Management and Chairman of Paghera Green Philosophy Middle East, with registered office in Dubai. Author of the opening of new, very important markets which are constantly growing such as in former USSR, Kazakhstan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

Elena and Elisa, Gianfranco's daughters, are the soul of the Design Department.

Elena, after a multi-disciplinary approach on the company and formative courses at the Milan offices of FDI and IIF in Photography, Post Production and Graphics, Elena directs and acts in the homonymous departments. Her aesthetic sensibility, together with the high technical skills acquired in the visual arts, give birth to beautiful three-dimensional scenarios that accompany the customer step by step in the realization of their dream garden.

Elisa started her career since a very young age in a multi-faceted training in the company, then she graduates in interior design and architecture at the Milan offices of FDI and IDI'AC. A passionate creativity and a strong determination accompany her in her role of Technical  Design Department. Her task is to assist Gianfranco and the team of professionals in the project design and to transform with meticulous attention the visionary and creative concepts in impeccable technical documents for customers, operators and players.

Carlo, Elisa's husband, is the head of the foreign market. After a graduation in communication and marketing relations, he continued his studies in landscape design at the Santa Giulia Fine Arts Academy. He also attended short courses and exchange programs in several other universities in Europe. As an international markets expert, in 2007 he joins the company  and Gianfranco Paghera in the constant international expansion of the company, Since 2013, as vice president of Paghera Group he actively pursues all the markets, especially those in the Middle East, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Russia.

And, of course... a big, very big team: 110 employees, including internal and external teams, to which are added up to 2,200 partners: craftsmen, engineers, designers, architects, engineers, International Institutes of researchers and business leaders in the sector, all over the world, in dependence with the challenges to be faced.
All of them are united by a sense of beauty and uniqueness, which are the hallmarks of a style that has made Paghera a world famous signature.
The breakthrough year: from the word to the computer. Gianfranco gathers all the information, knowledge, secrets of a hundred years green culture, until then transmitted orally, and entrusts them to the first computer.
The continuous researches, focused on improving the techniques projects presentation, gives life to the first Italian Landscape Architecture study, famous and appreciated abroad and which still has no equal in Italy.
1980 - 1990 
The family company becomes an Inc., composed of companies which activates in various sectors of green and landscaping. A very important fact is the creation during these years of the Codra Devision (Center of Environmental Defense and Recovery), which operates on environmental safeguarding, restoration and recovery. Subsequently the company will be transformed into Paghera Eco Bio Tech.
Company's 30th anniversary is honored by the recognition of Paghera Inc. by ICE - (Italian Institute of Foreign Trade) as the unique world representative of the  Italian Style, in the field of gardening culture and architecture.

2006 - 2007
Evolution from Inc. to Holding which includes the four main branches:
Paghera Green Philosophy, landscape, architectural, urban design.
Paghera Communication, strategy, marketing, events, information.
Paghera Eco-Biotech, Environmental checkup, restoration and recovery, land decontamination and any required service for the environmental safeguard. Paghera Real Estate - real estate development and negotiation.

2008 - 2012
Thanks to a network constituted by more than 270 sector-leading companies, research institutes and universities, the Paghera Group today faces the third millennium with unchanged capacity to capture and accept great challenges, getting new solutions to problems considered unsolvable.

The strong drive into foreign markets has led to the creation of new and prestigious projects including environmental redevelopment of the Universiade of the Russian city of Kazan, capital of Tatarstan. Then we launched the project "Green Imprinting", the first forest drawn along the lines of a fingerprint. In the same year were published seven monographs and GreenClub quarterly magazine that speaks about the last projects.

Since the first  months of the year, to Paghera Group, have been entrusted major projects, which involve different application fields. Also Paghera Group will be responsible for all operations of the Rixos, an important group of resorts and luxury hotels that is in a continuous expansion of its locations around the world. Saudi Arabia has begun the first phase of the King Abdullah International Garden project review, a the project of a botanical garden of about 2.3 million square meters. Besides, are expected other numerous projects of  very important political personalities, kings, queens, heads of state and governors, all protected by a strict anonymity. The first months of the year were also signed by the inauguration of  new group headquarters in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraqi Kurdistan and Azerbaijan.

2015 - 2016
Paghera’s group specializes itself in the design and realization of prestigious villas and great resort, working harder both in Italy and abroad. The main representatives of Azerbaijan chose Paghera for the realization of villas and gardens, while the market expands, reaching the Chinese State. The company works with 54 different States, translating its message in 32 different languages.

Paghera has been confirmed as the 1st company in Europe in the design and realization of landscapes. Works on prestigious works began, like the Presidential garden in Astana, a multifunctional centre in front of the Giza Pyramid, or the restyling of Fanarah resort, also in Egypt. Diametrically opposed projects for style, culture and temperature, that make clear the company’s versatility, capable of creating earthly paradises in every condition.

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