A small, luxuriant green garden retreat

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25 از 58 باغ ها
Paghera designs for this small but charming villa a private garden that is a wonderful green haven for the whole family, a live place dedicated to relax that can be enjoyed all year long. Thanks to the luxurious green plants, the Mediterranean essences and colorful blooms, the small garden designed by Paghera, wondrefully accomodates the visitor allowing total relaxation.

In this project were used plants of small and medium size for embellish the lower base of the garden: colorful roses, lilies that fill up the country air with a sweet fragrance, delicate jasmie, aromathic Mediterranean plants and oleander are ust some of the plants used in the garden and green design of this project. The uppper side of the green vertical wall, tall plants were used that, thanks to their height, hide the garden from the neighbour properties. The rich green meadow invites the visitor to take off their shoes and walk barefoot in the grass for a direct nature contact, essential for total relaxation and wellness.  

Paghera also designs the swimming pool of the villa, sorrounded by green vegetation as well: the tall green walls rise to offer privacy while the soft lines of the pool inspired by the Mediterranean style, make the swimming pool a focal point of the project.

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